Why i don’t side with AI and what you can do to not get replaced
I recently wrote an article called “Why I don’t side with AI (and how this will improve your motivation to write)” which you should read here, before you proceed with reading this newsletter.
I talked about, why AI won’t replace humanity (yet…) and why people shouldn’t listen to all of this bullshit about people getting “replaced” by it (from our beloved gurus)
At one point, I said that it’s a simple thing that you need to put in your head, so you stop overthinking everything everyone says…
” It’s as simple, as, to NOT try to find a shortcut which means that, you do everything manually instead of just “cheating” your way through it, with different tools such as “ChatGPT”
So for example, that would apply to people who create scripts for videos, or make the scripts for the videos themselves.
Anything that involves expressing yourself SOMEHOW, do NOT cheat your way through it.
What you MUST do as well, is, put your soul, blood & tears, and countless hours that you shouldn’t count, into the work that you know you should do to eventually achieve your definition of success. ”
So, with that said, I’m here to break down, the mental process behind these words… My deep thinking process and some actions I’ve gone through, in order to not think like that and level up everything I did.
Mentality Change
When I mentality change, I mean, literally, change your mentality when it comes to overthinking… That’s the most crucial step because, you reading this, will die one die, and till that day comes, I can bet my ass AI won’t come to a point where it replaces us completely. We won’t see that happening at least by 5024.
Also, we are human beings, which means that we’ll always find a way to do what we want to do. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you don’t always think with your mind, my friend. You sometimes, make decisions based on your soul and heart; Which, funnily enough, most times it’s the best to do - but you’ll argue that making decisions with your mind is the best 100% of times, but have you thought about, what happens when the mind, soul (your body too, included) and heart, all work together cooperatively? It’s an absolute combination you can’t go wrong with.
Got that? Say it with me again… M E N T A L I T Y C H A N G E - That’s the most important part you should get right, before making any steps further, but I know you are way stronger than everyone else, my fellow creature, so you’ll get everything down, with just some practice and some reading (from my newsletters…of course)
Hold on, before you click off, I’m not that asshole who’ll just say what everyone says when it comes to discipline (and basically anything, really)
You need the “I DON’T GIVE A FUCK” mentality, which is something that I didn’t mention above, because that’s a different topic.
See, this kind of mentality, is what you need to combine with your discipline, when working or doing something you know MUST be done, whereas what I said above, applies to…really anything.
This, doesn’t…
When you’re working, you shouldn’t work like a little bitch. You MUST, and I say MUST, go all in when doing your work LIKE YOU DON’T GIVE A FUCK! You shouldn’t care about anything, literally anything. When working, you must give it your all, then when you’re finished, is when you care, that’s when you take a step back, and look from a different perspective at what you’ve accomplished and what not (and what you should change)
But during the working hours… YOU DON’T. GIVE. A FUCK. AT ALL!
You’re nothing without discipline, and I don’t care how good you are at anything. You’re a nobody without it.
”Discipline is what you hate to do, but do it like you love it” - Mike Tyson
and I’ll add to that something. You don’t have to only hate something and do it but do it like you love it - You can do something you love, but do it when you hate to do it the most, or you’re bored, but do it like you love it.
It might sound cliché, but it’s the truth.
If 5024 is not the time when this all happens and instead this all starts way earlier—for example in 10 years time—and you find yourself being replaced by robots, feeling that you can do nothing, all you need is self-love. Because whatever happens, you still need to love yourself, and not degrade yourself in any way, for whatever happens.
Don’t blame yourself, but also, don’t blame anyone else.
If you actually love what you do, you just keep doing it till you achieve results, that of course will keep you motivated to keep going and still do what I mentioned above.
Absolutely everyone on this earth fails every fucking day. But people who love themselves, will get back up on their knees, and still keep pushing.
Without self-love, I’d even say that you won’t be able to do these above even the slightest bit.
Even if you don’t love yourself currently, and you do what I mentioned above, yes it will work, of course, but it won’t be as effective and pleasing as it could be if you loved yourself.
So, every waking and breathing day of your life, keep this in mind and find ways to achieve that self-love, because only you know how to satisfy and love yourself…no one else. You know yourself the best, so don’t wait for other to come and help you.
With all of that said, I really hope this newsletter found you well, my fellow creature.
I really do hope that you took this information by heart, because these words are coming from over a decade of failure and growth, in many different aspects.
Keep pushing, my friend, and you’ll achieve what you want, way faster than you think.
Just don’t give up.
I’ll see you at the top.